Sonntag, 24. Dezember 2006
Puzzle World
matzgekaddy, 03:55h

waren schnell mal im alten Rom auf dem Klo

alles schraeg?!

grosses kaddy, kleines matzge

kleines kaddy, grosses matzge
... comment
Mittwoch, 3. Januar 2007, 20:37
Very nice!!!
Do you accept english comments??? Well, maybe mine will be in your language, someday!!!
Ah, did you feel like doing some drugs after being in this place??? Looks really crazy... ;-) You must have had real big fun!!! Lots of laughter!!!
See ya!
Ah, did you feel like doing some drugs after being in this place??? Looks really crazy... ;-) You must have had real big fun!!! Lots of laughter!!!
See ya!
... link
... comment